Ice Cream Social
Thursday, April 25
2-4 p.m.
College Green
The Office of the President invites all Ohio University students and employees to the Student, Faculty, and Staff Appreciation Event on Thursday, April. 25, on the College Green.
The event will begin at 2:00 p.m. and continue until 4:00 p.m. Members of the Presidents Cabinet will be scooping up ice cream for all to enjoy the end of the semester! Featuring appearances by the Marching 110 and Rufus, and charecture artists provided by the Center for Student Engagement & Leadership.
There will be coinciding Ice Cream Socials occurring on all five regional campuses:
Chillicothe Campus, Bennett Art Gallery
Eastern Campus, Shannon Hall 209
Lancaster Campus, Bobcat Bistro
Southern Campus, Collins Center – OHIO Lounge, Room 166
Zanesville Campus, Elson Hall Patio